Mike Robinson
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About Mike
Mike has worked in the opticianry field for over 14 years. In that time he is a Licensed Dispensing Optician in the state of Georgia, obtained his American Board of Opticianry Certification (ABO), his ABO Advanced Certification (ABO-AC), National Contact Lens Examiners Certification (NCLEC), as well as being a Certified Paraoptometric (CPO).
“I feel as though every patient should know just as much about their own glasses as the optician who is helping them”
Mike has also earned himself a spot as a certified ABO Technical Level III speaker, and has a passion for teaching fellow opticians to educate their patients about their prescription and their glasses. In his spare time, he runs a weekly ABO Advanced Study Group where he holds weekly classes that help to usher in the next generation of top tier, Advanced Certified opticians.
Mike hails from Atlanta, GA where he started his optical career as an Apprentice in a Licensed state, where he underwent intensive training on his craft. Moved to Texas for 5 years where he learned all about how different optical shops are across state lines and set forth on a mission. With a love for problem solving, he has taken to traveling and teaching opticians as his day job, while working with opticians in his spare time to move our industry forward.