Heather Branderhorst
Heather is an ABO Certified Optician with 18+ years of experience. She has spent 11 years in Neuro Optometry, working with unique patients who have complex, prismatic prescriptions. This has given her the opportunity to continually come up with creative solutions, when a patient’s needs would not have otherwise been met. Heather is passionate about teaching opticians how to be excellent opticians and promoting a mindset that we should treat every patient as though they are our own mother.
Heather has years of experience training newly hired employees and doctors in the Neuro Vision setting. She is the Co-Founder of Calibrate Optics, the Neuro Visual Specialist and Account Manager for Artisan Lab Network and Brand Ambassador for Laibach & York.
Heather is also the President of the Opticians Association of Oregon, working to bring education and licensure to the State of Oregon. Additionally, she serves on several committees and other non-profit boards for both the Optician’s and the Optometry Associations.
Heather‘s greatest passion is teaching the AIC’s in the Eyeglass program at Coffee Creek Women’s Correctional Facility, where she is a resource for the women; both incarceration and helping them get placed in offices once they are released. A shaker and a mover, Heather uses her platform in this industry to promote change and bridge the gap between Opticianry and Optometry, so that Opticianry is valued, respected and sought after as a career.